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Discover the Map and other features on the Bauwow Website!


We have some news for you, check out our website HERE and discover the new features!

Discover The "MAP"

Look for dog friendly places or pet-businesses directly from our wbesite.

More than 40,000 places on a very colourful and user-friendly map!


Suggest a new place

Click one time everywhere on the map to suggest a new place or a new business.

You can add the name, the category, a photo and a description, we'll add the address.


Leave a review

From the list on your left, click on the "paw" to leave a review


Discover "Categories"

21 categories between dog friendly places or pet-businesses all in one place!

Search by name, address, city, country and more...



Discover "Artists"

Look for a pet photographer or a painter or any other pet artist right on Bauwow!




And of course you can have all this also on our App Bauwow, click HERE to get the app!